Herb Seeds: Coriander
Coriander is an annual aromatic herb, also known as Chinese Parsley. The leaves are called cilantro, and the seeds are called coriander. The leaves and steams can be used to flavour salads or as a garnish, which the seeds are essential in many curries.
You can harvest the outermost leaves when the plant is 4-6 inches tall. The plant will produce white lacy flowers. When the seeds are green, the plant will smell unpleasant so they are not eaten during this time, so make sure to harvest for eating before seeds form, or leave the seeds to dry for a new season of planting.
Packaging Options:
A. Seed Pack
• Compostable
• Biodegradable
• Can last up to 2 months in cool, dry conditions
B. Seed Jar
• Reusable
• Recyclable
• Vacuum-sealed in a glass jar to last longer
• Can last up to 6 months in cool, dry conditions
We also provide custom design services for personalised tags, seed boxes, seed packs and seed jars.
To request for a quotation, drop us an email at shop@eatsshootsandroots.org