Leafy Seeds: Pak Choy
RM 5.90
Current variety: Curly Wrap Wong King Pak Choy
A type of Chinese cabbage that has dark green leaves and a white stem. Best eaten stir-fried, sauteed or steamed with some garlic or shallots. Leaves best harvested when young, or cut whole when 30-50 cm tall.
Packaging Options:
A. Seed Pack
• Compostable
• Biodegradable
• Can last up to 2 months in cool, dry conditions
B. Seed Jar
• Reusable
• Recyclable
• Vacuum-sealed in a glass jar to last longer
• Can last up to 6 months in cool, dry conditions
We also provide custom design services for personalised tags, seed boxes, seed packs and seed jars.
To request for a quotation, drop us an email at shop@eatsshootsandroots.org